
The Majesty Palm – A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for more palms to add to your collection.

Today I’m going to talk to you about the Majesty palm. A popular yet challenging tropical palm that can be a great reward to grow or a big pain in the a**!

We’ll cover everything you need to know about this palm tree, including what it is, where it will grow, and who would likely benefit from growing it.

I will also go into a pros and cons list breaking down key points so you can make a quick decision about whether to pick up one of these palms.

Let’s go!


  • Majesty Palm (Ravenea Rivularis): Tropical palm native to Madagascar.
  • Appearance: Tropical, feather-like fronds; clean look.
  • Growth: Fast-growing; up to 20 feet outdoors, 6-10 feet indoors.
  • Climate: Thrives in warm, humid conditions; suitable for USDA zones 9-11.
  • Indoor/Outdoor Growth: Can grow indoors in colder climates; requires high humidity and moisture.
  • Care Requirements: Demanding, especially in maintaining humidity and moisture.
  • Ideal for Seasoned Gardeners: Challenging for beginners due to specific care needs.
  • Air Purifying: Removes toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Pest Susceptibility: Prone to spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects.
  • Cold Tolerance: Moderately cold-hardy but struggles with prolonged cold or frost.
  • Maintenance: Needs regular fertilizing, pruning, and careful monitoring of water and humidity levels.
  • Size Consideration: Can grow tall, particularly outdoors; requires space planning.
  • Aesthetics: Impressive, regal appearance, suitable for tropical plant enthusiasts.

What is the Majesty Palm?

The Majesty Palm, or Ravenea Rivularis, is one of many tropical palms that are native to Madagascar.

They are known for their elegant, feather-like fronds that arch from the crown of the trunk, giving them a clean appearance.

These palms are fast-growing and can reach heights of up to 20 feet outdoors. If growing indoors the Majesty palm will typically grow to around 6-10 feet tall.

The Majesty Palm’s natural habitat is along riverbanks in the rainforests, so it thrives in warm, humid conditions with plenty of sunlight and water.

Where Will the Majesty Palm Grow?

Large Majesty Palm - By-Forest-Kim-Starr-CC-BY-3.0-us-httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid71843188.jpg
Large Majesty Palm – By-Forest-Kim-Starr-CC-BY-3.0-us-httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex.phpcurid71843188.jpg

Even though it’s considered a tropical tree, they are tolerant to light frost and are best suited to USDA hardiness zones 9-11.

If you live in a colder climate, don’t worry. These palms, while challenging, can be grown indoors with plenty of humidity.


The Majesty palm is a popular indoor tree due to its ability to tolerate lower light conditions compared to many other palms.

I will say from experience that Majesty palms need other optimal indoor conditions to survive long term, such as enough moisture and humidity.

Keep your palm in a highly humid area of your house such as a bathroom or sunroom where it will get adequate moisture.


If you’re lucky enough to live in a warmer climate and are growing other tropical plants then the Majesty Palm will be a nice standout palm for your yard.

In outdoor settings, this palm prefers a location with full to partial sun, well-draining soil, and protection from strong winds.

I have personally kept a potted Majesty palm in direct sunlight during the summer months with no issues, so they can be flexible.

Remember that the Majesty Palm grows fast, so plan accordingly when choosing its location in your yard.

Who is the Majesty Palm For?


The Majesty Palm is perfect for anyone looking for a cold hardy tropical palm that can be a bit of a challenge.

If you’re a seasoned gardener, this palm is relatively easy to care for, as long as you’re attentive to its needs.

If you are a newbie to growing palms then Majesty palms may not be the best one to start out with.

These are definitely not “hands-off” palms and need special care to survive, especially indoors with low humidity levels.

I tried growing one of these palms indoors, but with the air being too dry, the palm suffered and it quickly became an outdoor palm!


If you grow palms indoors, this palm is more of the challenging ones, but the Majesty Palm definitely stands out with its feathery fronds and tropical appearance.

Majesty palms can even help improve air quality by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Just be sure to give it ample light, humidity, and nutrients to keep your Majesty palm healthy.


For those with outdoor gardens, the Majesty Palm is a great choice for average-sized yards. It can get quite tall, so pick an area where it has a little room around it to stretch.

The size makes it perfect for lining driveways, framing entryways, or as a centerpiece in a tropical garden design.

Now that we know more about the Majesty Palm, let’s dive into the pros and cons of this tree.



  1. Aesthetic Appeal: The Majesty Palm tree has an arching frond structure making it a visually stunning addition to any space.
  2. Fast Growth: The Majesty Palm is known for its quick growth rate, reaching its full height pretty quickly compared to other palms. This makes it a main choice for those looking to fill in their landscape or create a visual impact quickly without having to wait years for the tree to reach full size.
  3. Air Purifying: Like many indoor plants, the Majesty Palm is effective in removing harmful toxins from the air.
  4. Versatility: The Majesty Palm is versatile and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. It’s perfect for those who want to add a touch of the tropics to their home or garden, even if you get a little snow and frost.
  5. Low Light Tolerance: While they prefer bright, indirect light, Majesty Palm trees are more tolerant of lower light conditions than many other palm species. This is another reason they can grow indoors without much light.


  1. Water and Humidity Requirements: The Majesty Palm thrives in moist, humid conditions, which is difficult to replicate indoors. You’ll need to be diligent about providing enough bright light, water, and humidity to keep this palm happy and healthy. You can also fill a tray with small rocks, set the pot on the rocks, and pour water into the tray. As the water evaporates it will provide a little extra humidity around the tree.
  2. Potential Pest Issues: Like many indoor plants, the Majesty Palm tree can be susceptible to common pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. You’ll need to keep a close eye on your palm and address any pest issues immediately to prevent damage.
  3. Not Very Cold-Hardy: The Majesty Palm is tropical and while relatively cold hardy it will not tolerate prolonged cold temperatures too well. If you live in a place that experiences severe frost or freezing temperatures, you’ll need to grow your Majesty Palm indoors or provide some protection during the colder months.
  4. Maintenance: While not overly demanding, the Majesty Palm does require some maintenance to keep it looking its best. This includes regular fertilizing and pruning to remove dead or yellowing fronds and maintaining the proper water and humidity levels. Especially the humidity levels.
  5. Size: The Majesty Palm can grow quite tall, especially when planted outdoors. This can be a pro or a con, depending on your space and design preferences. Be sure to consider the potential size of your palm when choosing its location, as it may require relocation or pruning to manage its growth.

The Wrap Up

Majesty Palms are a regal addition to any home or garden.

Its graceful, arching fronds and elegant appearance make it a standout plant that is sure to impress any tropical plant enthusiast.

While it does require some care and attention to its water and humidity needs, the benefits of this beautiful palm far outweigh any potential drawbacks.


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